The Pacific Wiki

Guadalcanal is an island that was the site of the first major battle of the 1st Marine Division.

Guadalcanal Campaign[]


Marines that joined the division at this time included Pfc. Robert Leckie and Sgt. John Basilone, along with their friends, though they don't actually meet each other save for a breif moment after the Battle of the Tenaru. Just prior to the battle, the Marines arrive onboard a navy ship bound for "Guadalcanar" (the intelligence could not spell it right). Soon after a hasty lunch, the marines go to the beach via some Higgins boats.

The Campaign[]

The marines arrive without any resistance, much to their relief and surprise. The 1st Marines (Leckie's regiment) then walk across the jungle to their next destination: the Tenaru river.

Battle of the Tenaru[]

During the battle, many japanese soldiers are mowed down by machine gun fire, with only a few casualties on the American side. During this battle, Lew Juergens gets promoted to Corporal (although he gets demoted after the campaign), and Capt. Jameson gets relieved of his duty. After the battle, Leckie and his friends see the 7th Marines go by, marking John Basilone's only interaction with another of the main characters.

After the Battle[]

After a four month long battle, the marines are relieved and sent to Melbourne, Australia.


1st Marine Division[]

7th Marine Regiment[]

LtCol. Lewis "Chesty" Puller

Sgt. John Basilone

Sgt. J.P Morgan

Sgt. Manuel "Manny" Rodriguez (KIA)

Sgt. Ralph Briggs

Pvt. Cecil Evans

Pvt. William LaPointe

1st Marine Regiment[]

Capt. Jameson (relieved)

Lt. Hugh "Ivy League" Corrigan

Pfc. Robert "Lucky" Leckie

Pfc./Cpl. Lew "Chuckler" Juergens


Leckie and his friends in Guadalcanal

Pfc. Wilbur "Bud" "Runner" Conley

Pfc. Ronnie "Kid" Gibson

Pfc. Bill "Hoosier" Smith

Pfc. Sidney "Sid" Phillips

Sgt./2Lt. Stone

Corpsman Lewis

Corpsman Stern

5th Marine Regiment[]

Sgt. Elmo "Gunny" Haney

Capt. Andrew "Ack Ack" Haldane

Lt. Edward "Hillbilly" Jones

11th Marine Regiment (Artillery Support)[]

2nd Marine Division[]

2nd Marine Regiment[]
6th Marine Regiment[]
8th Marine Regiment[]
10th Marine Regiment (Artillery support)[]


  • The weapons used in the Battle of Guadalcanal by some of the Marines are older weapons that were used in WWI, even the machine guns
  • Guadalcanal was the Baptism by Fire for many of the characters in the series.